Tuesday, October 9, 2012

When we have the stressful time of our hair falling out, our hair getting thin our having damaged and brittle hair, we desperately want an answer to how to regrow our hair easily and naturally.  Your hair will re-grow in a few weeks’ time, but on average, re-growth takes months rather than weeks, so you’ll have to be focussed and strong to see it through.  Hair falls out quickly but takes a long time to regrow.  Losing hair is an intensely traumatic experience. 

The good news is that you CAN regrow your hair and you can achieve this without poisoning your body with chemicals and artificial ingredients and all their side effects or even worse, start to look at wigs!
Firstly we need to flush out toxins in our bodies and then activate our hair follicles to start growing strong, healthy and shiny new hair.   Get your body to function at an optimum level.  A solution is to find a natural supplement with the correct vitamins that feed the follicles of your hair.  Most of us are understandably reluctant to subject our bodies to pharmaceuticals and medical drugs because we do not want to jeopardise our overall health. 

I would like to share basic concepts of hairgrowth:
The key role of hair is to provide protection against heat loss.  Hair keeps the head warm by trapping air near the skin surface to provide an invisible, insulating layer.  Hair is composed of a strong structural protein called keratin.  Each strand of hair consists of three layers.  The innermost layer is called medulla and is only present in large thick hairs.  The middle layer is known as the cortex.  The cortex provides strength and both the colour and texture of the hair.  The outermost layer is known as the cuticle.  The cuticle is thin and colourless and serves as a protector of the cortex.

Hair grows out of a hair follicles.  The follicle is an indentation of the outer layer of the scalp.  The base of the follicle is shaped like a bulb, and the bottom of this bulb is the dermal papilla.  The dermal papilla is the crucial source of nourishment for the entire follicle structure.  It derives its nourishment from a network of blood vessels in a deeper layer of the scalp. 
You can imagine that it is very important for the dermal papilla to get good quality blood from the surrounding blood vessels, because it is the blood that carries nutrients to the hair follicles.   So, insufficient nutrients in the blood supply – insufficient hairgrowth! 

Amongst the most important substances that the body needs to grow healthy, strong and thick hair are  Vitamin C, Niacin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B-12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Choline to name just a few.   Those vitamins are a typical Hair Helper combination. 
Lastly, we need to stimulate and cleanse Hair Follicles from the inside and outside.  Hair loss show that your body is not working as it should because we do not get the proper nutrients on a daily basis.  You will have to take responsibility for your own well-being and act on the information.  Make sure you go to someone who can assist you with the correct advise with your Hair Loss and help you with the regrow of your hair you wish to have.   

If you are losing hair, something is not working in your body.  Either your hormones are out of kilter, you are toxic or you do not get the proper hair vitamins your need.  Whichever one of these, your body needs to have plenty of water to keep detox liver and kidneys so that your hormones can rebalance again.  Drinking plenty of good quality water will also considerably improve the quality of your skin and promote the healing process that leads to new hair growth.  Activate hair follicles by massaging the scalp so that new hair can start to develop in the follicles, growing stronger with every day.  We all want our hair to start growing strong, healthy and be shiny!  Start with a supplement that help hair growth. A combination that will be a Hair Helper for you!

By Judith Fulkes

What is the most used part of our body…that we take for granted and abuse…hardly ever think of its complexity…is very youthful early in life…and is the most difficult to keep young looking? Below you can learn how YOU can help keep this body part more youthful.

YOUR HANDS! (I know…you knew that! I believe you!)

Don’t “click off” because you have great looking hands now—I’m talking to you too! If you don’t start following a certain routine now, you will, no-doubt-about-it, have old looking hands before you know it! Please read on….
There is so much we can do to keep our hands younger looking for a very long time. The hands start aging long before they look it. Here’s why and what you can do about it.

The skin on the back of your hands is extremely delicate. This skin is very, very thin, there is almost no fat under it at all, which is why the veins are so visible. 

As we grow older, any fat that is there lessens; the skin becomes dry and loose, exposing the veins even more. As if that’s not enough, on top of it all, we begin to develop ugly age spots and sunspots.
Not only are our hands the first to show age, they are complicated appendages, consisting of twenty-seven bones, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, a lymphatic system and, of course, nails. They need extra care because they’re always doing so much for us and, unfortunately, so often taken for granted.

Here’s Anti-Aging Information For The Hands

Although my hands look OK for my 76 years, there is much I did not know to do “back then” that I have since learned and would like very much to share with you.
  • The sun is the biggest culprit for aging skin. I shudder when I think of all those times, years ago, I went fly-fishing, horseback riding, gardening and walking without protection on my hands. At least, when skiing I was forced to wear gloves.
You don’t have to be silly about it, but protecting the thin skin of your hands from the sun, as often as you can, will go a long way toward retaining their youthfulness. For example there are fishing gloves I wear now. When gardening, I wear some sort of glove, depending on what I’m doing. Horseback riding….I buy inexpensive gloves…cut the finger tips off…hop on my horse and don’t worry about my hands.
You can also apply a good SUNBLOCK on the back of your hands. A SUNBLOCK, as opposed to a sun screen, doesn’t look pretty, but it does protect from the damaging rays. 
For a few weeks, try noticing how often your hands are exposed to the sun. More than you think, I’ll bet! I even keep sun block in my car too, because I’ve learned that it’s usually in the “other place” when I need it!
  • Another culprit is water. It is quick to dry out the thin skin of our hands, by removing their natural oils. Our hands are in water much more than we realize; washing dishes, bathing babies, washing our hair, etc., etc. …all throughout every day.
You know this remedy, but we hate doing it: Wear rubber gloves whenever you can. I hate it too. So, in addition, I keep a hand cream, face cream, body cream, any kind of moisturizing cream in as many places as I can so I don’t have to go looking for one.
Keeping the thin skin of our hands moisturized is very important. You can put some cream in small containers. Carry one in your handbag and put the others in strategic places around the house.
Don’t forget to take care of those nails too. You can give yourself a home manicure or go to a professional. I do my own hair, but love to have my nails done by a good manicurist where I can just sit back and relax. That’s a treat I give to myself. If you have weak nails use a liquid collagen nail treatment and a product that helps keep the nails hard.

Wishing you a long healthy life with beautiful hands to match.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Losing your hair

HAIR LOSS is not something that anyone is able to accept with a smile. Losing ones hair can be extremely stressful especially if you have come through your life with a full head of hair.  The first thing NOT to do, is panic.  Remember... stress adds to the problem and can actually be one of the causes.  Sit down and draw up a list of anything that YOU think COULD be a contributing factor.

Perhaps you have gone through an extremely traumatic period, maybe you have started taking a particular medication or changed your hair products.  Perhaps you have just had a perm.  Think about absolutely anything that you think could be contributing to your hair loss.  Once you have made your list, go through each one carefully and if need be, consult with your doctor to eliminate any medical causes.  You then might consider changing hair products and in extreme cases, you might want to purchase something that will at least stop any more hair from falling out.  Do not hesitate... act immediately.

Did you know how important it is to massage your scalp?  This increases the blood flow which is highly important to carry the essential nutrients and vitamins needed by the root of the hair to keep it healthy.

Diet is also important for healthy shiny hair.  Fresh fruit and vegetables is required for a good healthy body AND good healthy hair.

Losing ones hair can be combated by proper care and by feeding the follicle from the inside.  It's never too late to start a good healthy care program.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hair Loss - prevent and what to do when it happens

In this article, we are going to concentrate on HAIR LOSS. How to prevent, what to do when it starts to happen, the upside, the downside, the what to use, what not to use and more, with lots of tips and information. The info will be beneficial to both, men and woman and it is our absolute aim to share all we know with all of our friends so visit often and share what you learn here, with anyone you know who is having hair loss problems.

Before we actually start.....I would just like to bring to your attention that Oledas hair (if you look at all the photographs of her on our facebook page), is absolute, 100% living proof that hair doesn’t have to grow thin, dull or break off just because you’ve had another birthday. To keep her hair from growing past her waist, she still has to cut it a full inch every single month.

Many people say that Oledas hair has not aged in 20 years but it took Oleda many years to find out how. As you all know, beauty is Oledas business. As a model and beauty expert, Oleda sells THE WAY SHE LOOKS. As Oleda gets older, more and more people are beginning to believe her essential message, that you CAN make yourself beautiful and KEEP yourself beautiful, despite any number of years and NO WHERE but absolutely NO WHERE is this more true than with your hair. Woman look at Oleda and excuse their own problem hair by saying that Oleda was “born lucky” but… when they realise that Oleda has been a two-process blonde for over 20 years… that she both, bleaches and colors her hair… and her hair looks the way it does…. They then KNOW that Oleda has discovered something that can most definitely work for them as well. AND FOR ALL OF YOU........

It took Oleda over 20 years to find out how to make her hair… and now YOUR hair, thicker, longer and fast growing. She is now happy that we pass this valuable knowledge onto you… our valued South African friends.

There are no secrets to having beautiful, healthy hair – ONLY KNOWLEDGE... and now you too, can learn how to have your very best hair.

We are going to discuss and share right here  in this article, so that you too, can learn how to have your best hair. Remember, there will be some immediate changes as soon as you start but you will be working towards stronger, healthier, more beautiful NEW growth. In a few months there will be enough growth to see the difference and by then you will be so hooked on our simple little program for beautiful hair that you will practice it for the REST OF YOUR NATURAL LIFE.

We all agree that great products with excellent information is a MUST to look and feel your best so before we go onto the “information” part, let me first tell you about the most unique hair system product you will probably ever hear about in your life. For the most beautiful, healthy hair a person can have, its necessary to have a complete system that feeds, treats and protects the hair from the INSIDE as well as the OUTSIDE. A system that feeds the hair follicle and at the same time treats each strand of hair. It is important to have a system that is specifically for your particular type hair whether it is dry, oily or normal.

HAIR HELPERS VITAMINS – Beautiful hair starts with feeding the hair follicles the nutrients that may be lacking in our everyday diet. With our processed over-cooked foods it is sometimes difficult to get all of the nutrients we need. Hair helpers vitamins were scientifically developed for hair nourishment and we will cover all there is to know about this wonderful product over the next few days.

Also important to care for your hair on the outside with shampoos and conditioners that are right for YOUR hair type. Washing and treating your hair at least once or twice a week will help keep your hair in good shape. Cutting and keeping a neat style, every six weeks also adds to the beauty of the hair.

NUTRITION AND YOUR HAIR - Eat as much unprocessed "natural" foods as possible. Not necessarily health food or those which are organically grown.. rather... pure, unadulterated meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and fruit. Plain and simply prepared, without preservatives, additives or artificial colouring. Eliminate most JUNK and snack foods, along with most pre-prepared frozen dishes.

COOK FOOD AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE - Over-cooking has been proven to remove many of the vitamins and minerals from otherwise nutritious foods. Of course, some foods such as pork and poultry, have to be well cooked but there is a big difference between fully cooked and over cooked. Also, cooking methods such as roasting, broiling, grilling and steaming are recommended over frying and boiling.

 TAKE A VITAMIN MINERAL SUPPLEMENT to provide the vital nutrients that you may not be getting from the food that you eat. These should be of the natural, rather than the synthetic type and are best taken right before a meal so that they are more easily assimilated into the body.

The HAIR HELPER vitamins offered by Hair Beauty are specially formulated to feed the hair from the inside, starting from the follicle (root) underneath the scalp. The success rate is huge and although some people see a faster reaction than others, if the hair helpers are taken diligently every single day without fail, a difference is quite noticeable as the new hair starts to grow out. Many are that happy that they then stay on the tablets even once the hair is restored to a healthy, thick and shiny state. It is important to remember that this is NOT a miracle pill. As with anything in life, it needs time to work and this differs person to person. Some see a major difference after just one month, others only start to see a huge difference after 4 to 6 months but the end result is so worth it. We have had referrals from doctors in South Africa and the product is becoming a favourite for many South Africans who have battled with their hair.

 A question asked often: I AM BALD... will these tablets help my hair to grow again? This depends on how long you have been bald. If your head is smooth and shiny and has been so for 10 years, the chances are slim because it INDICATES that the hair follicles have died....IF there are still fine hairs coming out .... no matter how fine.... it indicates that the follicles are still alive. They're slow but they're alive and with the hair helpers and constant massaging there is every chance that the hair can be restored back to a healthy thick state again. Massaging is vitally important because it gets the blood flowing which is needed to carry the nutrients and vitamins to the root of the hair. Massage as often as you are able to....

In our next article, we will concentrate on some of the things to AVOID if you wish to do the best thing for your hair........

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Wrinkles - ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW

We have all wondered what the very best ingredients REALLY are for getting rid of wrinkles and lines on our face and neck. Well, Oleda has known for many years and has used them for almost 15 years...now an Anti Aging Expert on the Oprah Winfrey Show has confirmed it! Here is the answer…

Alpha Hydroxy Acids...BUT...there are several types of AHA to choose from and, of course, many different strengths, as well. Some AHA formulas make your skin "flaky and peeling," while others do not. Also, what about the sun and AHA? The answers below will clear it up for you once and for all.

Oleda has used an Alpha Hydroxy Acid skin cream on her face and neck and has been touting its benefits for 15 years. Oleda truly believes that the OLEDA Formula I 15% AHA cream is the best on the market, and she holds up her 71-year-old skin to you to prove it. I agree with her 100% and here's why:

the OLEDA Formula I has 5 different AHA in it to make sure we get the most and best benefits possible from the combination. They are Lactic, Citric, Tartaric, Malic and Glycolic. This mix works very well.
Alpha Hydroxy Acid helps dissolve the bond, the "glue" as it were, that holds dead cells on the surface of the skin. It helps repair the aging or damaged lower cellular level because its molecules are tiny enough to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. It helps the underlying tissues become firm for greater elasticity.
Collagen is a natural protein that provides structural support. The fibers of collagen are woven together like threads in fabric to form a framework into which new cells can grow.
AHA helps to stimulate and maintain these cells so that the skin appears softer, fuller and smoother. It helps diminish age spots, lines, wrinkles and sun damage, as well as tighten pores and help correct both dry and oily skin.

The Strength
Some "AHA" creams have as low as 1% or 2% concentration...forget about getting rid of wrinkles and lines with such formulae. Then there are those that claim they have 20%...be very careful of these. Our laboratory chooses 15%, which is high, but we added 2 conditioners to soften any side effects and to keep the skin soft and beautiful during treatments. Maintaining a pH factor of 4.5, this balance is perfect and it works without the harsh side effects some are known to have, such as irritation and skin "peeling or flaking" rather than quietly sloughing off. This formula is also strong enough to plump up the flattened cells under the skin to give a more youthful appearance.

The Sun
While using AHA you must be very careful of the sun, since your skin will be more susceptible to it. You should avoid the sun as much as possible anyway to prevent skin aging in general, as well as possible skin cancer. While you're using AHA, make sure you use a proper sunscreen on any exposed area. For outdoor sports activities while using AHA wear a hat for added protection.

When not to use AHA
A makeup foundation or powder cannot be worn over a good Alpha Hydroxy Acid formula, so you must use it at night or when you are not wearing makeup. The AHA formula that is strong enough, and has conditioners, will cause your makeup to be uneven and splotchy...so just apply AHA before bedtime.

Another Anti Aging Expert says:
I'm happy to say that OLEDA CELL-abration Formula I Alpha Hydroxy cream has become one our best selling products. But, there are some people who might still be skeptical. For those of you who are just not sure, I would like to refer you to the Oprah Winfrey Show of May 3, 2005. You can get a copy of the transcript, even download it, at www.oprah.com, which will take you to her home page. From there, click on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" in the left menu, then, on the right, click on the "Archives." This show was all about anti aging.

One of Oprah's guests was Dr. Michael Roizen, a renown anti aging specialist. During his interview, Dr. Roizen talked about the very positive effects of Alpha Hydroxy Acid on wrinkles and damaged skin and that AHA ingredients are really the only ones that can help with wrinkles. He also mentioned how it helps produce new skin, which makes us look younger.
You would be surprised to learn what Dr. Roizen had to say about all the claims made by the makers of those many expensive creams and lotions that do not contain AHA. Oprah seemed to be, too. And, when you see this dialog for yourself, perhaps then you'll believe me, if you don't by now!

But there are some clarifications I need to mention here. When Oprah and Dr. Roizen talk about the effect of products without AHA, they're referring to wrinkles and lines in the face and neck. Don't confuse this with needing other applications of night cream and day cream that are very necessary to maintain your skin in a youthful, healthy condition, in conjunction with AHA.

CELL abration formula I
A Very Serious Treatment for Wrinkles and lines in the Face and Neck. Minimizes Wrinkles, Plumps Up Skin, Sloughs Off Older Skin, Makes Skin Tighter and Pores Smaller. See a Great Difference in 6 Days.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What is the most used part of our body…that we take for granted and abuse…

........hardly ever think of its complexity…is very youthful early in life…and is the most difficult to keep young looking? Below you can learn how YOU can help keep this body part more youthful.

YOUR HANDS! (I know…you knew that! I believe you!)

Don’t “click off” because you have great looking hands now—I’m talking to you too! If you don’t start following a certain routine now, you will, no-doubt-about-it, have old looking hands before you know it! Please read on….
There is so much we can do to keep our hands younger looking for a very long time. The hands start aging long before they look it. Here’s why and what you can do about it.

The skin on the back of your hands is extremely delicate. This skin is very, very thin, there is almost no fat under it at all, which is why the veins are so visible.
As we grow older, any fat that is there lessens; the skin becomes dry and loose, exposing the veins even more. As if that’s not enough, on top of it all, we begin to develop ugly age spots and sunspots.
Not only are our hands the first to show age, they are complicated appendages, consisting of twenty-seven bones, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, a lymphatic system and, of course, nails. They need extra care because they’re always doing so much for us and, unfortunately, so often taken for granted.

Here’s Anti-Aging Information For The Hands

Although my hands look OK for my 76 years, there is much I did not know to do “back then” that I have since learned and would like very much to share with you.
The sun is the biggest culprit for aging skin. I shudder when I think of all those times, years ago, I went fly-fishing, horseback riding, gardening and walking without protection on my hands. At least, when skiing I was forced to wear gloves.
You don’t have to be silly about it, but protecting the thin skin of your hands from the sun, as often as you can, will go a long way toward retaining their youthfulness. For example there are fishing gloves I wear now. When gardening, I wear some sort of glove, depending on what I’m doing. Horseback riding….I buy inexpensive gloves…cut the finger tips off…hop on my horse and don’t worry about my hands.
You can also apply a good SUNBLOCK on the back of your hands. A SUNBLOCK, as opposed to a sun screen, doesn’t look pretty, but it does protect from the damaging rays.

For a few weeks, try noticing how often your hands are exposed to the sun. More than you think, I’ll bet! I even keep sun block in my car too, because I’ve learned that it’s usually in the “other place” when I need it!
Another culprit is water. It is quick to dry out the thin skin of our hands, by removing their natural oils. Our hands are in water much more than we realize; washing dishes, bathing babies, washing our hair, etc., etc. …all throughout every day.
You know this remedy, but we hate doing it: Wear rubber gloves whenever you can. I hate it too. So, in addition, I keep a hand cream, face cream, body cream, any kind of moisturizing cream in as many places as I can so I don’t have to go looking for one.

Keeping the thin skin of our hands moisturized is very important. You can put some cream in small containers. Carry one in your handbag and put the others in strategic places around the house.
Don’t forget to take care of those nails too. You can give yourself a home manicure or go to a professional. I do my own hair, but love to have my nails done by a good manicurist where I can just sit back and relax. That’s a treat I give to myself. If you have weak nails use a liquid collagen nail treatment and a product that helps keep the nails hard.

Wishing you a long healthy life with beautiful hands to match.

The mind is your most powerful weapon against aging. Keep yours young!

Oleda - 78 years of age.  LIVING PROOF that your mind is the MOST powerful weapon AGAINST aging!!!!

You might think the most important deterrent to brain cell deterioration is engaging in mind-bending games or doing the daily crossword puzzle. Taxing the brain and learning new skills are excellent activities, but they usually don’t get your heart rate up and pump blood to your brain cells.
Perhaps the most striking brain research discovery of the last decade is that physical exercise can forestall mental decline. It may even restore memory. Animal studies have shown that aerobic exercise increases capillary development in the brain, increasing blood supply, which carries more oxygen to the brain.
But it doesn’t have to be formal exercise at the gym. You can play tennis a couple times a week, ride a bike, or walk a mile each day. If you want to get really serious about it, though, a combined program of aerobics and weight training will produce the best results.

Fit people have sharper brains; and people who are out of shape, but then get into shape, sharpen their brains along with their bodies.
It was once thought that brain cells do not regenerate as do other cells of the body, but more modern science proved that neurons do continue to form in the brain, even into old age.
Memory does begin a decline when we reach our 40’s, but the progression is not as steep as people make of it. Indeed, forgetfulness may be due less to brain cell loss than other influences, such as taking care of the kids, the job, paying the bills, doing chores, everyday living all competing for cognitive time.
To keep your brain young you need to give it lots of varied stimulation and challenges. Like a muscle, it needs to be exercised, to “strain the brain,” so to speak. Repeating the same mental functions over and over, such as playing cards or watching television, doesn’t help slow cognitive deterioration. Mental stimulation is as important for your brain as physical exercise is for your body.

Nutrition for a Healthy Brain
Foods that contain antioxidants, which neutralize harmful free radicals, are especially good for your brain. Free radicals break down the neurons in your brain, so the many colorful fruits and vegetables that are packed with antioxidants are good for you in more ways than one.
Too much alcohol has been linked to brain atrophy, because it can cause direct injury to the cells. The good news is that these cells can be rebuilt when people eliminate alcohol from the diet.
Scientists have shown that certain nutrients are essential for human brain function. Serious deficiencies in vitamin B12 and iron, for example, can lead to impaired cognition. Paying careful attention to diet helps protect the brain from developing problems with nerve cell signals that are involved in memory and cognition.
Food with high oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) scores are thought to help improve brain function. An ORAC score of around 5,000 units per day can have a significant effect on blood and tissue antioxidant levels.

The following fruits have the highest ORAC scores (numbers are based on 1/2 cup of each):

Other fruits and vegetables have good ORAC scores as well, but somewhat less punch. Some food producers place ORAC scores on their products, so you can look for them as you shop.
There is promising evidence that using Ginko Biloba as a dietary supplement enhances memory. It doesn’t have any harmful side effects, but it should be used with caution by those on anticoagulant therapy, or about to undergo some surgical or dental procedures. Drink plenty of water, too. Your brain is about 80 percent liquid and needs to be well hydrated to function well.
The following is a drink…or Smoothie some people would say… that I have taken for years in order to get my antioxidants. I have it for lunch 4 or 5 times a week. If you do the same, you’ll be giving the cells in your body, including your brain, a real boost. Of course, you could interchange the berries to taste.

Here’s what you need:
- A blender
- Large container of Vanilla Yogurt (32 oz.)
- 2 to 3 cups of blueberries
- 1 to 1/12 cups of strawberries (I keep both berries in the freezer at all times).
- 1 or 2 Bananas
- Honey

Here’s what you do:
- Put defrosted blueberries and strawberries into blender. – Add cut banana in large pieces and drop in blender. – Put about ½ of the container of Yogurt in blender to start.
- Mix well, then add more yogurt to almost fill blender leaving room for honey…sweeten to taste. (I like mine on the sweet side) Before pouring into containers turn blender to Liquefy or Puree for best results. If you still have yogurt left pour Health Drink into one glass and add remaining yogurt to blender, mix again.
This will produce 4 to 5 glasses of delicious, fortifying health drink. Have one
glass now and put plastic sandwich bags over each of the others. Refrigerated, they last for several days.
Until next time,

Join Hair Beauty.co.za on FACEBOOK

This Takes the Cake…I Mean Bread!! I Say EAT Bread!... It’s A Great Diet!

I’m tired of hearing people say that bread is not good for you, especially someone overweight, sitting next to me in a restaurant, lecturing me about how bread is fattening, while I watch them ingest a 300g steak, baked potato with butter and sour cream, and anticipating dessert …but they would not touch the bread!

I like to remind such people—who say, “bread is not good for you, how can you eat it when you’re a beauty/diet/anti-aging expert,” - that, at age 78, having eaten lots of bread - at almost every meal - I still weigh the same as I did back then, and I’m extremely healthy and agile, with normal blood pressure without a bit of medication…and with the bone density of someone in their 20’s, according to my doctor, not to mention how young I feel and how young people say I look. Forget about Atkins, No Carb, South Beach, and all the other many diets. I say, try The Bread Diet!

I love bread, and I really have eaten it all my life almost every meal. One of the biggest mysteries to me is why people on a diet will pass on the bread, or rolls, because they are on a diet…yet order food heavy with tons of calories and fat and eat it all. 

It’s simple. Bread is not fattening. An average slice contains 70 calories; an average roll is 113 calories. Bread is filling, helping to reduce the craving for higher calorie foods during the meal. A baked potato, for example, (104 calories) with butter (100 calories) and sour cream (150 calories). It’s easy to see how a roll or 2 slices of bread, with just a little butter (or, better, none) can replace many calories (and fat) during a meal; in the baked potato example, as many as 200.

An 8 oz Porterhouse Steak has 450 calories! Yes, one dinner roll has 20.1 carbohydrates and the steak has none but the “fat” content is more dangerous and certainly more fattening in the long run. When the No Carb diet became very popular, doctors saw how unhealthy many of their patients became…some developing heart problems…they were told to get off the No Carb diet. It’s a terrible diet to be on for more than a short time.

So the next time you go to a restaurant, eat more tasty bread and less fattening food…you will lose weight… and even save money! My favorite meal? One or two rolls or bread, two appetizers, one of which I take as a main course, and then sometimes a dessert, which I often share with my tablemates. Once in a while, if I decide to have an appetizer and a main course, I will steal a bite of someone else’s dessert...but I always eat my bread.

For family dinner dieting buy the best rolls or bread…maybe it’s worth it to find a good bakery. Choose your bread as carefully as you would linger over a piece of meat to serve for dinner, or pick over the vegetables to get the best. Encourage your family to eat a roll or two or one or two slices of bread and, at the same time, cook and serve less meat and other high calorie foods at the table. It’s healthier and you’ll save money. Americans are not losing weight; we’re getting fatter by the day. So let’s use some logic…what do we have to lose…but weight? Bread is a good diet aid.

For lunch have a sandwich. Choose nutritious bread. Whenever possible, I choose breads for extra nutrition, as well as its stomach filling qualities. Be careful though if you are on a strict diet, some bread products are higher in calories, such as a 2 oz. muffin, 165 calories, and a 2 oz. croissant, 240 calories.

One slice of whole wheat has 56, one slice of white enriched has 62, and pumpernickel has 79 calories. Put a little fresh cold cuts in between the bread…keep the butter and mayo low…use a little mustard for added flavor if/when appropriate and put some lettuce and tomato on it…yum, yum…and look at the low calories…take that, diet! Compare that, calorie and health wise, to a Big Mac (590 calories) or a Double Whopper w/cheese (1010 calories)… no, no’s for health and weight.

The texture, flavor and the taste of bread should be savored, eaten slowly…enjoyed. I’m sure you know that a great restaurant is known for and by its breads…not so tasty bread probably means it’s not the greatest of restaurants.

Don’t underestimate bread…it is more than just a bread. If you feel deprived, or it isn’t the best of breads being served, then put a little “flavor” of butter on it…believe me it will taste just as good, even better, once you become accustomed to NOT piling on the butter.

DO AT HOME - Strong, beautiful nails..

So many people write to me that they’re having a serious problem with their nails . . . what to do?…what to do?, they ask. Some have problems even when they keep their nails short. You will learn here how to take care of the top surface of the nails, as well as the nutrition it takes to develop strong healthy nails from the inside. This part does not happen overnight – but stick with it and it will work. You will also learn the best way to give yourself a home manicure. 


Fingernails—and toenails, too—are products of your epidermis and are composed of the protein keratin. Each nail grows outward from a nail root that extends back into a groove of skin.
Fingernails normally grow at the rate of 1/8th inch a month, approximately 2 or 3 times faster than toenails. Growth slows in old age. Sudden or significant changes in the appearance of the nails can be a first sign of illness. Abnormal or unhealthy nails may be the result of a local injury, a glandular deficiency, or a deficiency of certain nutrients.

Contrary to common belief, the structure of the nails is not related to the structure of bone, and taking extra calcium will not strengthen brittle nails. Neither will taking gelatin.
With severe malnutrition, after an injury or during a course of some kinds of chemotherapy, nail formation is impaired. During the several weeks of such impaired formation an area of thinning of the nails can be seen. The width of this zone of thinning of nails corresponds to the duration of the injury or the use of, for example, chemotherapy.

A protein deficiency can cause opaque white bands to appear on the nails or cause them to become dry, brittle and very thin. Insufficient amounts of complete proteins and/or vitamin A slow down the rate of nail growth (which is also affected by various drugs). A shortage of vitamin A in the diet may also cause dryness and brittleness. A lack of the B vitamins causes nails to become fragile, with horizontal or vertical ridges appearing. The B complex is also a factor in fungus infestation found underneath the nails. Frequent hangnails usually indicate an inadequate intake of vitamins C, folic acid, and protein. An iron deficiency can disturb the growth of the nails, causing dryness, brittleness, thinning, flattening and eventually the appearance of moon-shaped nails. White spots can be caused by a zinc deficiency.

Any nail abnormality indicates that the diet is not adequate; a well-balanced diet supplying all essential nutrients is recommended.  Nutrients that may be beneficial in treatment of nail problems: Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex, Folic acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, and Protein. I also recommend VEGGIES & FRUIT Concentrate. to alkalize your body.) If you have a nail problem that is the result of poor diet or illness, and you plan to do something about it, think in terms of three months because that’s how long it will take before you see the results of improved nutrition through your diet and supplements.

Meanwhile, here are some measures that will help strengthen your nails and keep them that way:
1. Wear rubber gloves whenever you use soap and water or do any kind of manual activity; and have them larger than your usual glove size.
2. Use your fingers, not your nails, to pick things up. This, of course, is easier said than done! If you have long nails, use the sides of your fingers.
3. Carry a small Band-aid in your handbag. If a nail cracks, put it on immediately, then mend your nail as soon as you return home. You can buy a “mending kit” of some kind in almost any drugstore.
4. Always keep a coat of some type of polish, even clear polish, on your nails for protection.
5. For extra strength and proper conditioning apply Oleda® Nail Bed Healer and use Oleda® Hard Hard Nails. Please read about how these products help to develop healthier, stronger nails.


Allow yourself about an hour of time and assemble everything you need before you begin:
clean hand towel
cuticle cutter
hydrogen peroxide
polish remover
bowl of soapy water
emery board
cuticle oil
orange sticks - sometimes called cuticle sticks
nail polish
top-coat sealer
Step 1: Clean off old polish with cotton pad soaked in polish remover. Take care not to push the old polish into the cuticle by starting from the base of the nail and working down to the tip.
Step 2: Be sure your nails are dry before you file them. Begin at the side with the emery board and sweep to the center. Never use a “saw-like” motion, and don’t round off the nails too much for that can cause them to break easily. The longer you want your nails, the more “square” they should be. But always take the “square” off the corners.
Step 3: Soak your fingers in warm soapy water for 2 to 3 minutes to help clean the nails and soften the cuticles. Clean your nails with the orange stick dipped in hydrogen peroxide.
Step 4: Apply cuticle remover or oil to your cuticles. Wrap a tiny piece of cotton around the tip of the orange stick and gently work it around each nail to loosen the cuticle. This is also the time to clip away any loose cuticle. Do this gently or you may hurt yourself or cause hangnails.
Step 5: Apply a base coat. This semi-transparent “polish” puts a smooth protective layer on the nail and is especially helpful for brittle and weak nails. Use strong brush strokes from the base of the nail to the tip.
Step 6: After the base coat is dry, apply your polish. (Of course, it can be clear). Thin it down if necessary with polish remover. This is one of the secrets for professional-looking nails.
Wait until each coat of polish dries before applying the next (if it’s thin polish, it won’t take long). In applying polish, brush the color across the base of your nail first, keeping clear of the cuticle, then make two strokes along the edges of your nail from base to tip. Finally, fill in the middle with one strong stroke from the base to the tip. Never go back over wet polish or you will get ridges. If you smudge a nail, apply a little polish remover on the smudged part while the nail is still wet, then smooth it over ever so lightly with the nail polish brush.
Step 7: Apply top-coat sealer. Sealers prolong the wear of your polish, delay chipping and make your nails thicker and stronger. Let nails dry for twenty minutes.

Note: If you only want clear nails you can use the two nail products for health and strength if you wish.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The RULES to best ensure that you live to 100, are healthy, have energy and... LOOK GREAT TOO!!!

So You Want To Live To 100…Be Healthy, Have Energy and Look Good Too? Of Course You Do! So…What are the “rules” to best ensure our chances? Scientists say our bodies are capable of it and more and more people are doing it already…but each of us must do our part to achieve this goal! So why not give it your best shot? I certainly will…..here’s what we must do……

Here’s How To Give Us Our Best Chance:

1) Eat Healthy and Eat Small Amounts Often Each Day.  I hate to put it this way but many people eat every meal as though it’s their last….remember…there will always be another one! “Grazing” all day is better for you than stuffing yourself all at once….especially near bedtime. When eating dinner out, no matter how fine the restaurant, I often order only two appetizers. Frequently they’re the best tasting morsels anyway.  However, I do allow myself a nice big meal occasionally to celebrate a special holiday. 

2) Eat less red meat or no meat at all for a couple of weeks at a time every once in a while. It is known that vegetarians tend to live a long time. But we do need some meat to get protein and a few of the amino acids that our body does not produce on its own. You can get these amino acids in some vegetable foods also…legumes for example. (As well as supplements.)  High intake of marbled meats are known to cause heart disease.

3) Don’t put the salt shaker on the table.  If you or your family are “salt-aholics,” learn to substitute with other seasoning like lemon, garlic and onion powder. Fast foods are full of salt. 

4) Drinking water is most important…our bodies are made up of 60% water. Some people say all liquids can be counted in the amount of water we need to drink each day, but for our best long range health many of us say plain water is the best for lubricating and helping to detoxify our bodies each day. Urine should be light in color, never let it turn dark due to dehydration.

5) Eat Fiber. Soluble and insoluble fiber helps the food processing in your intestines. This speeds up the time of the food processing in the intestines thereby lessening potential carcinogens doing damage. Fiber along with adequate water intake also helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Best not to get your fiber out of the drug store…3 to 5 PRUNES a day will help do the job...naturally. The older you get the more fiber you need.

6) Sweat at least 3 times a week. For strong bones and a healthy heart, work up a sweat at least 3 times a week and take extra calcium. For your bones and heart health any kind of exercise is good as long as you sweat for 20 minutes. Many people don’t realize that with no calcium in our bodies we would be like rubber, unable to stand up. Our body’s calcium level declines about 1% to 3% every year if we do not supplement. It’s never too late to start taking calcium.

7) Be in control…take charge. We often know what to do, but don’t do it. Here we need to psyche ourselves up…remember 100 is our goal. How nice it would be to be able to live longer and see our great-grandchildren…right!  One of our biggest hurdles is cutting down on calories….. obese people have a shorter lifespan, and many diseases develop because of “fat.”  Remember, if we don’t have our health we don’t have anything!
Another major hurdle in thinking is when we believe that diseases always happen by chance or are inherited from previous generations. Have you considered that your bad dieting habits could be what have been passed down from one generation to the next? There is much proof that what you put in your mouth contributes to serious diseases OR what you put in your mouth can protect you against serious diseases. It is up to us to take charge.

8)  Avoid Excessive Exposure to the Sun.  There are still so many non-believers!.  If people could only SEE what was happening UNDER the skin, even the first time they burn from the sun, they would be convinced of the damage.

9)  Don’t Smoke Cigarettes.  A pack-a-day cigarette smoker is four times more likely to develop heart problems than a non-smoker.  But it’s never too late to quit.  Five years after stopping, ex-smokers have about the same risk of developing heart problems as someone who has never smoked. 

10.  Consider the Use of Supplements.  As each year passes our bodies are less likely to assimilate food…to get the full nutritional value from what we eat.  Fast foods and over cooked foods have much less nutritional value, also. I have always supplemented my diet with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and amino acids, as well as a veggie & fruit supplement. 

11)  Alcohol...the good and bad. The risks of alcohol abuse increases as you age because your tolerance level decreases.  Medications can interact with alcohol and cause other medical problems or disease. Too much can damage the liver, heart, and brain cells. 

Driving and drinking can certainly stand in your way of reaching your 100th birthday.

There are several benefits of moderate use of alcohol.  The French, as you know, eat plenty of cheese and meats that are rich in fat and cholesterol, yet they have low levels of heart disease. The French credit this to “consuming wine.”  Is it true? I’m not sure, but what is clear is that a small amount of alcohol does benefit the good HDL cholesterol levels as well as helping to prevent blood clotting.

12)  Free Radicals. Many thousands of these toxic chemicals are naturally produced in our body every day.  Our body automatically gets rid of them, but as you get older your body is less capable of counteracting this invasion. Free radicals have the power to age you if you don’t counteract them.  Plant food, like green leafy vegetables, fiber, vitamins, and fruit help fight free radicals. Fatty foods like meat (especially red meat) encourage them.

13) Use your brain – you have heard it many times but it is very true…USE IT OR LOSE IT…is never truer than with our brain as we grow older. When you use (exercise) your brain, more blood flows through it, providing more nutrients and oxygen to all its cells. If you don’t exercise your brain, it can shrivel up just like a muscle. Learning a new game, planting a new garden, meeting with friends, conversation, finding things to do to help people, all help build brain cells.    

14) Happy people live longer. If you are unhappy and can figure out why, you should try to do something about it.  Sometimes there’s no quick fix, but once you recognize what is causing your unhappiness you can zero in and work to change it. It’s your right to be happy. It’s important to feel good about yourself, to have a sense of purpose in work, even volunteer work, or a hobby.

15) We need good sleep. Your body repairs itself at night while you sleep, which in turn helps slow the aging process.   In general, 7 or 8 hours is best. If you take a nap in the afternoon, that time counts too. The bottom line is you should wake up feeling relatively refreshed.

16) Get annual medical check ups.  Medical checkups provide the opportunity to PREVENT serious problems. This is a very important aspect of my personal health care program. You say you don’t have the time or money? It will take plenty of time and money if you become very sick. 
Besides getting a general checkup every year the tests below can allow for an easy cure, if the problem is caught early enough. Get them done in a timely manner when your doctor suggests: 

>COLONOSCOPY TEST. Today the equipment is so perfected that you feel nothing and it takes little time. If you are not getting the test because you fear embarrassment, try having colon cancer! It’s your move. Do it.

> PAP TEST. Cervical cancer is almost 100 percent preventable when it is caught at the pre-cancerous stage. Almost every woman who is treated for cervical cancer in the early stage is cured. So why not work toward prevention. Your health and life may depend on it.

>MAMMOGRAM. As we all know, a mammogram can detect tumors even your doctor cannot feel. It is important (maybe life saving) to identify breast tumors while they are still curable. The earlier you spot the tumor, the better chance to live a long and healthy life.

>GET YOUR MAN TO HAVE A PROSTATE EXAM. There are several disorders of the prostate gland, and most of them are curable if caught early enough. Cancer of the prostate gland is common and ranks high among the type of cancers that kill  men. It is very serious and mostly preventable. Make an appointment for him if he won’t.


 I’m sharing my recent medicals tests results with you to demonstrate that good health is not necessarily age related, if you take care of yourself. I’m convinced that what I’m doing, and have done for years, has been the right thing to do.  

My latest bone density test at age 72 showed my bone density is that of an 18 year old. I know this sounds unbelievable—even my doctor was surprised…but it’s true. This test was done in an MRI machine of the lower back and hip. 

At age 72 my colonoscopy test showed NO POLYPS AT ALL. I have a test done every 5 years. If you are younger your doctor may suggest every 10 years for the test.

My dentist says my gums are as healthy as a 20 year old and to keep doing whatever it is I’m doing…I intend to! (I believe it’s because of good diet and my water pic.)

I have no arthritis, aches or pains….and take no medication for it. I take no cholesterol medication.
My weight is the same as it has been all my adult life…120 pounds. (This does not mean YOU should weigh 120 pounds…I have small bones) My weight is not because of my genes either…my loving brother, 3 years younger than me, allows me to tell you he weights 335lbs. He has all kinds of life threatening health problems I’m sorry to say. He admits it’s his lifestyle.

My energy is nonstop and I am still very flexible.

"So, take your own health in hand. You are the best keeper of your health and body".
Love, Oleda
So many people ask me what I do to "be" so youthful...I tell them it all starts with what you feed the cells inside your body...We must keep our cells "splitting" all our lives as they did naturally when we were younger. Each year we become older, they split less on their own.

VEGGIES & FRUIT Highly Concentrated in powder. GREENS, FRUITS & VEGETABLES, no fillers. It's a Super Alkalizing Formula and The Best Cell Renewal Builder On The Market. Helps compensate for the body's decline in growth factors and poor eating habits.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Healing via nutrition. Its the BEST way possible.

We are already more than half way through 2012 and life seems to be getting increasingly more challenging.  Have you been feeling more intense lately?    Are you feeling more anxious and tensing up for no apparent reason?  If you are experiencing the above, then take heart.   It is time to invest in you.  

In the west we have been subjected to an enormous con.   We have been taught that if we require wisdom and knowledge, we need to look outside.  We are taught that it is held in the minds of other people.  But be true to our self by listening to our bodies and giving our bodies exactly what it needs ...

We do not get the correct foods into our bodies, we are rushing around and we all know that we have to get the proper nutrients daily.  We have to start with creating a holistic foundation by cutting out processed foods in order for the body to function at its optimum capacity.  Veggies & Fruit Concentrate Powder in a capsule form is a quick, easy and healthy way to get the daily nutrients that our bodies need.  We will be energised and our thinking processes will be clearer.  Food is our body’s foundation, what you put into your body affects the way you feel.  

Each serving of Veggies & Fruit Concentrate, Super Alkalizing Formula, Organically Grown contains:
Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Potassium, Vitamin A, C, B1, B2 and B3.
As well as Broccoli, Spinach, Asparagus, Celery, Peas, Carot, Pumpkin, Tomato, Beet, Sweet Potato, Lemon and Orange Peel !!
Let this be the beginning of your journey on your road to self discovery and betterment.  “Healing through Nutrition” needs to be practiced as an art.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Time moves on and there is simply nothing anyone can do to slow it down.  As time does this, changes start to happen in and outside ones body and NO ONE wants to be or to feel OLD.  Many men and woman have their own thoughts and their own remedies that they swear by as I have mine. I believe in the "grow old gracefully" and I believe in being truly able to stay younger for a longer period of time IF you really want to and you set your mind to it.  Treating your body from the INSIDE to maintain and ensure good energy levels is very important so a visit to your doctor to ensure that your hormones are in place is a must.  Eating properly is also very important to maintain good energy levels and absolutely essential for feeding your body the vitamins and nutrients that it needs.  

Even great, shiny, healthy hair requires nourishment and it's always good to treat from the actual root. With the lifestyle that so many of us live today eating on the run, over processed foods, junk food... it is quite necessary to take supplements and always best if they are natural.  If you can take a fruit and veggie concentrate daily, it can only be a plus in your life.  

Exercise in any form is always good but the cheapest and most rewarding is a short walk daily.  It is absolutely essential for any human being to be on a skin care routine in order to treat and feed the skin.  It's very simple... In the morning you would cleanse your face and neck, you would then tone and then you would apply a day cream.  In the evening you would cleanse your face and neck, tone and then you would apply a night cream.  You can add to your skin care products slowly... perhaps an eye cream which is always invaluable as here is where those dreaded little lines begin. ALWAYS remember to use sunglasses when in the sun because this also helps in combating the little lines around the eyes.  

Keep busy.  Join a gym, join a club, make friends and have them over for a laugh every once in a while.....  GROWING OLD, youthfully can be done by ANYONE who truly wants to. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Do we get old because we slow down or do we slow down because we get old?

So many people speed up their aging process and then wonder why they got old so fast. Procrastination and lack of information are two of the worst enemies of youthfulness…the best and the most exciting anti-aging word is PREVENTION. I learned this as a child from my Father…he preached prevention, mainly with regard to nutrition and diet…and I listened!
The act of p-r-e-v-e-n-t-i-o-n must cover all health and beauty subjects—head to toe—if we are to stay youthful for life. Start early enough – with the proper information – and you can prevent almost anything. Like the engine of your car…don’t take care of it…don’t have check ups, and your car will shut down on you. Same with your body…it will not keep running on it’s own without help from its owner.

Think about this…As the years pass by, our faces slowly begin to change shape… unnoticeably at first, but look at a picture of yourself from ten years ago, and your likely to see what I mean.…Are you beginning to look older than you would like? Question: How much control do we have over this? Answer: Lots! Much more than you think!

This is often what happens...Over the years as we age, our bodies lose calcium. This means our bones slowly shrink, become thinner and more brittle. We lose inches in height .
. . and our facial structure changes, too.
Now, if we gain weight, as many of us do when we age, the fatty tissue covering a smaller facial structure causes our face to look older with more wrinkles.
If you think in terms of Preventative Care for a long term youthful facial structure, you will make sure your calcium level is maintained at a sufficiently high level, AND you will keep you weight down. (Tell your doctor you want the printout of your calcium level…not his/her statement to you saying that it is “normal.” Always keep your medical reports in your personal files at home…it is your legal right to receive copies of all reports. You can compare one year to another – you will also have a copy to show to a new doctor if necessary.)

Make sure you get enough calcium all your life. In most cases, as we grow older, it is difficult to get enough through the food we eat, so we need calcium supplements. In my case, I am on hormone replacement therapy under the careful eye of my trusted GYN. You must take charge…insist that your doctor carefully check your calcium and, where necessary, prescribe or suggest treatment to bring it up to a satisfactory level. If your doctor resists doing this– get another doctor! Your bones not only can keep you looking younger…they can actually keep you younger - period!

So my answer to the question I asked above is, We become old-looking because we slow down. We PROCRASTINATE…we tend to not PREVENT the problem … instead, we react only after we realize what has happened to us. Then the doctor prescribes a drug, which sometimes causes other issues. So by procrastinating over the inevitable, and not preventing a problem, we lose our health, and then lose our money to try to restore our health…oh boy! Please…think prevention!

Here is a list of some things you need to keep in mind to
prevent other health and beauty problems. You know most of them I’m sure, but with the example I just gave maybe you will take PREVENTION a little more seriously? I hope so.

* Keep your weight down. Many serious diseases are caused by excess weight—Diabetes, heart problems, aggravated arthritis, to name a few. Obesity is a vicious circle since it causes us to become less active, which in turn only compounds the weight problem.

Being overweight or obese and the health issues it causes can most often be prevented. – but YOU have to take charge. Think of all the medical bills you won’t have to pay…think of all the pain you can save yourself …and think of all the time you save by not being sick.

* Skin care. Billions of dollars are being spent on skin cancer, as well as getting rid of wrinkles. Most of this we cause ourselves…or we just let it happen by not protecting our skin. So you think you can bake in the sun and get away with it because you are young? Ha…forget-about-it! You obviously don’t realize that, from your very first “bake,” the sun starts damaging the collagen under the skin where you don’t notice it … until later. The rays harden the collagen a little every time it’s exposed to the sun rays. It doesn’t go away either…it builds up and stays there. Then the wrinkles get deeper and deeper as you age. Scary? Right; but you can prevent much of the damage by a) staying out of the sun, or b) if you must be out in it, cover up with clothing and a good sun screen. Think of all the money and pain and time you can save by preventing skin cancer and heavy wrinkling.

* Medical checkups. This is a big must for a long life and healthy aging. For example cervical cancer, osteoporoses, as well as so many other illnesses are totally preventable through medical check ups. Get your checkups…and listen to your doctor.

* Exercise a little every day. Exercise will reduce stress and anxiety as well as help you stay healthy, active and in shape. Walking is good – it gets your cardiovascular system going… don’t worry about over doing it. Any kind of exercise will be beneficial. Even if you only exercise for 15-20 minutes each day, even 3 or 4 times a week helps.

* Do things that bring you joy and happiness. Look on the bright side of life and find things to do that really give you joy and happiness

* Keep your brain busy – even playing games is fine. Golf, cards, games, dancing, sports, learning something new are stress zappers, and also stimulates the brain and body. When your mind is focused on an activity, it gives your body a chance to relax.

*Must have fun. Pick your friends who add fun and laughter to your life. Drop those who drag you down. Having fun and laughing gives you a mental break.

ON YOUTHFUL AGING , LIVING LONGER and HEALTHIER: An ongoing major study of identical twins over many years has shown that 70% of the aging process is controlled by lifestyle and environment (controlled by us), while only 30% is due to your genes.

It’s not so much the every day difficulties and the tragedies of life that control our sense of well being, it’s the way we handle them that counts.