Tuesday, October 9, 2012

When we have the stressful time of our hair falling out, our hair getting thin our having damaged and brittle hair, we desperately want an answer to how to regrow our hair easily and naturally.  Your hair will re-grow in a few weeks’ time, but on average, re-growth takes months rather than weeks, so you’ll have to be focussed and strong to see it through.  Hair falls out quickly but takes a long time to regrow.  Losing hair is an intensely traumatic experience. 

The good news is that you CAN regrow your hair and you can achieve this without poisoning your body with chemicals and artificial ingredients and all their side effects or even worse, start to look at wigs!
Firstly we need to flush out toxins in our bodies and then activate our hair follicles to start growing strong, healthy and shiny new hair.   Get your body to function at an optimum level.  A solution is to find a natural supplement with the correct vitamins that feed the follicles of your hair.  Most of us are understandably reluctant to subject our bodies to pharmaceuticals and medical drugs because we do not want to jeopardise our overall health. 

I would like to share basic concepts of hairgrowth:
The key role of hair is to provide protection against heat loss.  Hair keeps the head warm by trapping air near the skin surface to provide an invisible, insulating layer.  Hair is composed of a strong structural protein called keratin.  Each strand of hair consists of three layers.  The innermost layer is called medulla and is only present in large thick hairs.  The middle layer is known as the cortex.  The cortex provides strength and both the colour and texture of the hair.  The outermost layer is known as the cuticle.  The cuticle is thin and colourless and serves as a protector of the cortex.

Hair grows out of a hair follicles.  The follicle is an indentation of the outer layer of the scalp.  The base of the follicle is shaped like a bulb, and the bottom of this bulb is the dermal papilla.  The dermal papilla is the crucial source of nourishment for the entire follicle structure.  It derives its nourishment from a network of blood vessels in a deeper layer of the scalp. 
You can imagine that it is very important for the dermal papilla to get good quality blood from the surrounding blood vessels, because it is the blood that carries nutrients to the hair follicles.   So, insufficient nutrients in the blood supply – insufficient hairgrowth! 

Amongst the most important substances that the body needs to grow healthy, strong and thick hair are  Vitamin C, Niacin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B-12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Choline to name just a few.   Those vitamins are a typical Hair Helper combination. 
Lastly, we need to stimulate and cleanse Hair Follicles from the inside and outside.  Hair loss show that your body is not working as it should because we do not get the proper nutrients on a daily basis.  You will have to take responsibility for your own well-being and act on the information.  Make sure you go to someone who can assist you with the correct advise with your Hair Loss and help you with the regrow of your hair you wish to have.   

If you are losing hair, something is not working in your body.  Either your hormones are out of kilter, you are toxic or you do not get the proper hair vitamins your need.  Whichever one of these, your body needs to have plenty of water to keep detox liver and kidneys so that your hormones can rebalance again.  Drinking plenty of good quality water will also considerably improve the quality of your skin and promote the healing process that leads to new hair growth.  Activate hair follicles by massaging the scalp so that new hair can start to develop in the follicles, growing stronger with every day.  We all want our hair to start growing strong, healthy and be shiny!  Start with a supplement that help hair growth. A combination that will be a Hair Helper for you!

By Judith Fulkes

What is the most used part of our body…that we take for granted and abuse…hardly ever think of its complexity…is very youthful early in life…and is the most difficult to keep young looking? Below you can learn how YOU can help keep this body part more youthful.

YOUR HANDS! (I know…you knew that! I believe you!)

Don’t “click off” because you have great looking hands now—I’m talking to you too! If you don’t start following a certain routine now, you will, no-doubt-about-it, have old looking hands before you know it! Please read on….
There is so much we can do to keep our hands younger looking for a very long time. The hands start aging long before they look it. Here’s why and what you can do about it.

The skin on the back of your hands is extremely delicate. This skin is very, very thin, there is almost no fat under it at all, which is why the veins are so visible. 

As we grow older, any fat that is there lessens; the skin becomes dry and loose, exposing the veins even more. As if that’s not enough, on top of it all, we begin to develop ugly age spots and sunspots.
Not only are our hands the first to show age, they are complicated appendages, consisting of twenty-seven bones, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, a lymphatic system and, of course, nails. They need extra care because they’re always doing so much for us and, unfortunately, so often taken for granted.

Here’s Anti-Aging Information For The Hands

Although my hands look OK for my 76 years, there is much I did not know to do “back then” that I have since learned and would like very much to share with you.
  • The sun is the biggest culprit for aging skin. I shudder when I think of all those times, years ago, I went fly-fishing, horseback riding, gardening and walking without protection on my hands. At least, when skiing I was forced to wear gloves.
You don’t have to be silly about it, but protecting the thin skin of your hands from the sun, as often as you can, will go a long way toward retaining their youthfulness. For example there are fishing gloves I wear now. When gardening, I wear some sort of glove, depending on what I’m doing. Horseback riding….I buy inexpensive gloves…cut the finger tips off…hop on my horse and don’t worry about my hands.
You can also apply a good SUNBLOCK on the back of your hands. A SUNBLOCK, as opposed to a sun screen, doesn’t look pretty, but it does protect from the damaging rays. 
For a few weeks, try noticing how often your hands are exposed to the sun. More than you think, I’ll bet! I even keep sun block in my car too, because I’ve learned that it’s usually in the “other place” when I need it!
  • Another culprit is water. It is quick to dry out the thin skin of our hands, by removing their natural oils. Our hands are in water much more than we realize; washing dishes, bathing babies, washing our hair, etc., etc. …all throughout every day.
You know this remedy, but we hate doing it: Wear rubber gloves whenever you can. I hate it too. So, in addition, I keep a hand cream, face cream, body cream, any kind of moisturizing cream in as many places as I can so I don’t have to go looking for one.
Keeping the thin skin of our hands moisturized is very important. You can put some cream in small containers. Carry one in your handbag and put the others in strategic places around the house.
Don’t forget to take care of those nails too. You can give yourself a home manicure or go to a professional. I do my own hair, but love to have my nails done by a good manicurist where I can just sit back and relax. That’s a treat I give to myself. If you have weak nails use a liquid collagen nail treatment and a product that helps keep the nails hard.

Wishing you a long healthy life with beautiful hands to match.