Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hair that is thinning badly.

Thinning hair?  What can I do?

Thinning hair can be bothersome especially when it becomes so bad that you can see the scalp.  Most times there are no hair strands left on the pillow or on your clothes, no tell tale signs.... it's just that you are so aware because you're going from a lovely big bush of hair to seeing the scalp.  What on earth can be happening?

Sometimes the passages that carry nutrients and vital vitamins to the roots of the hair that lie beneath the scalp, become blocked and this causes the thinning.  Instead of having 1000 strong and healthy hair follicles, you now only have 800 and over time, this number becomes less and less.  This can be the biggest culprit to thinning hair.  This is why you don't see hair strands left on your pillow or on the shower floor.  The hair isn't actually falling out. The passages that have become blocked are no longer supplying the roots with vital nutrients and vitamins that they desperately need in order to be healthy and produce hair strands.  You can rectify this situation before it gets so out of hand that it becomes embarrassing for you.  

Taking two of the Oleda Hair Helper vitamins daily with plenty of scalp moving will restore the condition of your hair by feeding the weak follicles.  Moving the scalp will ensure that there is a good blood flow which is required to carry the nutrients and vitamins to the root underneath the scalp.  Once you get ALL your follicles in good working order, you will immediately have all your hair strands growing well, healthy and strong and your hair will immediately be fuller and thicker.  Make sense to you? It makes perfect sense to us and we have tried and tested this theory many times over.  Age has absolutely nothing to do with losing hair.  Oleda Baker is 79 years old and her hair is in perfect condition almost the same as it was more than 20 years ago.  It is strong and grows well even though she bleaches very often.  

So... the bottom line is that if you are concerned because your hair is thinning, you can do something about it and restore your hair to what it used to be by taking 2 hair helpers daily and by moving your scalp often.

Have a lovely day everyone.

The Hair Beauty Team

Telephone    011 022 9281
Website       www.hairbeauty.co.za
Email           hairbeauty@iburst.co.za


  1. For thinning hair, this product is amazing.

  2. Ek wil graag weet waar ek hierdie produk kan aankoop en die prysAsseblief. Ek woon in Bloemfontein. Dankie
