Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hair Helper Vitamins hits South Africa

A testimonial from one of the very many happy Hair Beauty clients on the Hair Helper Vitamins.

I battled with thin hair for most of my adult years but became especially bad after I had my first daughter. It was so frightening because the little that I had was falling out and leaving a trail on my pillow each morning. I dreaded washing my hair because I could see the strands land in my hands and could picture myself being completely bald by age 30 (frightening thought for any woman).

I spent thousands of rands trying to save the little hair that I had left but absolutely nothing helped... and then, I met Judith Fulkes, the owner of Hair Beauty and my life changed forever. I used the product diligently and did everything that the Hair Beauty team advised me to do, accepting that results differed person to person and that it could possibly take me longer than others because my problem was really bad, but I also use the Veggie and Fruit concentrate and now...... just 8 months later, I am confident that I will NOT be a bald 30 year old.

To think that I now pay R280 for 3 months supply of Hair Helper vitamins and R191 for the Veggie and fruit tablets monthly... two products that have truly made me smile, compared to the R1200/R1500 a month that I was paying out on my hair for products that came with HUGE promises and absolutely NO RESULTS. Thank you Judith and the Hair Beauty team of angels. I also refer to this product as MY own personal miracle pill and I can absolutely swear by all that is meaningful in life, I will never ever stop drinking them. Ever! Shelley

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