Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hair that is Breaking off

Hair that is breaking indicates that the strands are weak and probably damaged.  

There are many causes for this but the main culprits are over processed hair strands because of using bleach, over processed hair strands because of using relaxers, and other damaging ingredients.  Braiding is another culprit.  This places so much strain on the hair strands that they eventually snap off and if you braid for long enough, you will completely lose the hair, especially around the face area.  Nothing that you put ONTO your hair is going to ever make up for feeding your hair from the inside out.  90% of the time when anyone has a hair problem, the problem is actually stemming from the roots, underneath the scalp where the eye cannot see.  Once you get the roots into good shape, your hair will grow a lot quicker and the strands will be so much stronger and healthier.  

You can control your hair breakage by taking 2 Oleda hair helpers daily and then by using a very good shampoo and conditioner just to control the breakage while you wait for the new hair growth to come through.  Try to stay away from relaxers, braiding, dying or bleaching while you are waiting for your new hair to grow out. The hair helpers will ensure that your hair grows faster and the new hair that comes through will be so much stronger and healthier.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hair that is thinning badly.

Thinning hair?  What can I do?

Thinning hair can be bothersome especially when it becomes so bad that you can see the scalp.  Most times there are no hair strands left on the pillow or on your clothes, no tell tale signs.... it's just that you are so aware because you're going from a lovely big bush of hair to seeing the scalp.  What on earth can be happening?

Sometimes the passages that carry nutrients and vital vitamins to the roots of the hair that lie beneath the scalp, become blocked and this causes the thinning.  Instead of having 1000 strong and healthy hair follicles, you now only have 800 and over time, this number becomes less and less.  This can be the biggest culprit to thinning hair.  This is why you don't see hair strands left on your pillow or on the shower floor.  The hair isn't actually falling out. The passages that have become blocked are no longer supplying the roots with vital nutrients and vitamins that they desperately need in order to be healthy and produce hair strands.  You can rectify this situation before it gets so out of hand that it becomes embarrassing for you.  

Taking two of the Oleda Hair Helper vitamins daily with plenty of scalp moving will restore the condition of your hair by feeding the weak follicles.  Moving the scalp will ensure that there is a good blood flow which is required to carry the nutrients and vitamins to the root underneath the scalp.  Once you get ALL your follicles in good working order, you will immediately have all your hair strands growing well, healthy and strong and your hair will immediately be fuller and thicker.  Make sense to you? It makes perfect sense to us and we have tried and tested this theory many times over.  Age has absolutely nothing to do with losing hair.  Oleda Baker is 79 years old and her hair is in perfect condition almost the same as it was more than 20 years ago.  It is strong and grows well even though she bleaches very often.  

So... the bottom line is that if you are concerned because your hair is thinning, you can do something about it and restore your hair to what it used to be by taking 2 hair helpers daily and by moving your scalp often.

Have a lovely day everyone.

The Hair Beauty Team

Telephone    011 022 9281

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Thinning Breaking Damaged hair

Thinning Breaking Damaged Hair that is falling out!!

So???  How do you handle this situation?  It's completely frightening for both, men and women when they start to lose hair whether it's falling out in slight strands, coming out in clumps, thinning to a point where you can see the scalp or breaking off and......  The more you stress about it, the more it seems to fall, snap, break!

Increase Hair Follicles in a Smart Manner

Healthy hair follicles are the indicators of healthy skin. Hair follicles have a significant positive impact specifically on the epidermis of skin. If you want to increase hair follicle, you need to be aware about its structure, anatomy and other organelles associating it. Follicle is that constituent of hair which is responsible for hair fiber. Hair fiber is the hardened structure of hair. Papilla of hair follicles is responsible for growth. Sebaceous glands are the oil glands associated with follicles. In this brief write up we will discuss about anatomy of hair follicles and ways to increase hair follicles with little hassle.

Follicle starvation and its impact on hair

Follicle starvation is an irreparable damage. Only one thing that can help you in this regard is early detection and proper precaution. Hair follicle anatomy is such that disturbance of one part affects significantly the functioning of the other part. Hence offering better nutrition to your hair follicles ensures better hair follicles growth. Vitamins and minerals are essential for the growth of hair follicles. When they are not available in proper manner health of hair follicles witness several adverse results. At this juncture, you absolutely NEED to take HAIR HELPER VITAMINS on a daily basis. This amazing product will enrich your blood nutrient and enhance hair follicle growth rate which is required in order to have beautiful, strong, healthy hair.

Factors that can eat hair follicles and check growth

There are several factors which create mighty roadblocks on the growth of hair follicles. Dehydrotestosterone is a major factor in this direction. It is a hormone and eats up the vitamins and minerals that are required for hair follicle stimulation and growth. At such juncture you need to reduce the over production of this hormone. There are several drugs available in market which can help you in checking the overproduction of this hormone. However, most of them have several adverse side effects. In this regard herbal supplements are of great help. One of the reliable herbal supplements in this regard is Saw Palmetto. Used in conjunction with the HAIR HELPER VITAMINS, It effectively checks the over production of Dehydrotestosterone and fosters hair follicles regrow.

Proper blood circulation and restoration of damaged hair follicles are

Hair follicle restoration is a little bit complicated process. For this reason you need to have a clear idea regarding hair follicle growth cycle. According to hair follicle anatomy, anagen or the first phase witnesses active growth of hair follicles. This growth ceases in catagen. Hence, you need to ensure proper circulation of blood, minerals and vitamins to hair follicle during anagen. Blood needs to be carried out to the affected area for faster recovery and restoration. Scalp massage is a definite MUST when using the Hair Helper vitamins.

Restoration of hair follicles is possible if you go through proper treatment. For better results, you need to chat to a consultant at the Hair Beauty head office in Johannesburg on 011 022 9281/9308, at the early symptoms of disturbed hair follicle health. The earlier you detect, it is better to treat it completely. You need to get onto the HAIR HELPER PROGRAM and the consultants will ensure that you have all the knowledge required so that you can prevent the disturbance in the health of your hair follicles and get back THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HAIR EVER. BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT. ALL SOUTH AFRICANS DESERVE TO HAVE BEAUTIFUL, STRONG, HEALTHY HAIR.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Losing hair is scary and the thought of balding even worse.

Losing hair can be extremely stressful and adds to the problem with hair falling out.  You lose hair, you stress, more hair falls... you stress about it more and more hair falls and eventually you are able to see the scalp and now... panic mode sets in.  

Losing hair is stressful for ANYONE but when you are young and vibrant and used to a healthy head of hair and all of a sudden you have hair falling EVERYWHERE it can be devastating to say the least.  It is a known fact that stress adds to the problem of losing hair strands.  It is a known fact that massage or moving of the scalp aids in stimulation of blood flow and also spreads the natural oils that is given off by the scalp.  Hair loss can be caused by many many different ailments but the biggest culprit is the thinning of the passages that carry vital nutrients and minerals to the hair follicle which lies underneath the scalp where the naked eye cannot see what is happening.  Imagine a plant with beautiful green leaves and all of a sudden the leaves start with spots and they go yellow then brown and then die.  If you treat the root of the plant and give it enough nourishment, the leaves will spring up again.  It works almost the same with the roots of the hair.  We all require a certain amount of minerals and nutrients on a daily basis in order to keep and stay healthy but, life has become so rushed and busy that it is very seldom that anyone can honestly say, they DO get sufficient amounts of these vitamins on a daily basis and it's the reason many people go onto supplements.  It has been proven that by feeding the roots of the hair the essential daily supplements required for healthy growth, hair follicles can be revived and can be treated to grow out stronger and healthier and even quicker.

Hair Helper vitamins contain all the essential nutrients and minerals required by the follicle for healthy growth.  It is important to note that a good blood flow is needed for the minerals and nutrients to be carried to the follicle so it is important to move the scalp as much as possible in order to stimulate growth.  The above photograph is a photo of a lady taken three months AFTER she started using Hair Helper vitamins.  You can already see how the bald patches have started to fill up.  The photograph below is now... more than a year later.  Her hair has been restored to it's natural thickness and shine.  She continues to take the tablets because she understands the importance of feeding the follicle and isn't prepared to take the chance of her hair falling out again.  Beautiful hair starts with feeding the roots from within, via the bloodstream so that new hair growing will grow out quickly, stronger and healthier.  NOTHING that you put onto your hair that has already grown, can ever make up for feeding the roots from within because 90% of the time, problems lie in the roots where you cannot see with the naked eye.  Just like a garden needs nourishment and care in order to blossom and grow so does the roots of the hair.  Hair is a womans only piece of jewellery and deserves to be pampered and cared for .... ALWAYS.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Interesting facts on Hair structure and Hair Life Cycle.

Hair Structure and Hair Life Cycle.  Interesting to know.

Hair Stucture
Hair is composed of strong structural protein called keratin. This is the same kind of protein that makes up the nails and the outer layer of skin.

Each strand of hair consists of three layers.

An innermost layer or medulla which is only present in large thick hairs.
The middle layer known as the cortex. The cortex provides strength and both the color and the texture of hair.
The outermost layer is known as the cuticle. The cuticle is thin and colorless and serves as a protector of the cortex.

Structure of the hair root
Below the surface of the skin is the hair root, which is enclosed within a hair follicle. At the base of the hair follicle is the dermal papilla. The dermal papilla is feed by the bloodstream which carries nourishment to produce new hair. The dermal papilla is a structure very important to hair growth because it contains receptors for male hormones and androgens. Androgens regulate hair growth and in scalp hair Androgens may cause the hair follicle to get progressively smaller and the hairs to become finer in individuals who are genetically predisposed to this type of hair loss.

The Hair Growth Cycle
Hair follicles grow in repeated cycles. One cycle can be broken down into three phases.

Anagen - Growth Phase
Catagen - Transitional phase
Telogen - Resting Phase
Each hair passes through the phases independent of the neighboring hairs.

Anagen Phase - Growth Phase

Approximately 85% of all hairs are in the growing phase at any one time. The Anagen phase or growth phase can vary from two to six years. Hair grows approximately 10cm per year and any individual hair is unlikely to grow more than one meter long.

Catagen Phase - transitional phase

At the end of the Anagen phase the hairs enters into a Catagen phase which lasts about one or two weeks, during the Catagen phase the hair follicle shrinks to about 1/6 of the normal length. The lower part is destroyed and the dermal papilla breaks away to rest below.

Telogen Phase - resting phase

The resting phase follows the catagen phase and normally lasts about 5-6 weeks. During this time the hair does not grow but stays attached to the follicle while the dermal papilla stays in a resting phase below. Approximately 10-15 percent of all hairs are in this phase at an one time.

At the end of the Telogen phase the hair follicle re-enters the Anagen phase. The dermal papilla and the base of the follicle join together again and a new hair begins to form. If the old hair has not already been shed the new hair pushes the old one out and the growth cycle starts all over again.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Anti aging formula rated among the best in the world - Read why!!!

At the age of 78, Oleda Baker is living proof that the cell abration anti aging formula works and has earned it's place among the very very best anti aging formulas in the entire world.

Complete CELL-abration Kit includes Instructional Brochure where you will meet the Doctor (MD) who uses and recommends CELL-abration to his patients. Products included:

FORMULA l (Advanced Exfoliant) 15% Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHA)
FORMULA ll (Epidermal Repair) Night Therapy
FORMULA lll (Age-Less Serum) Rich Essential Oils
FORMULA lV (Revitalizer Scrub) Honey and Milk with Almond Meal

You are about to step into the new world of an extraordinary, almost unbelievable, skin transformation program, CELL-abration.

This revolutionary, highly developed product system is designed to encourage the cells of your skin to re-establish the natural rhythms of healthier, younger skin by bringing older, flat cells into sync again. No matter what type or color skin you have, what age you are or what skin problems you may have, the CELL-abration Kit helps to dramatically revitalize and regenerate the cells deep under the skin's surface. It's the best Anti-Ager skin ever had! You'll never be more surprised…I promise you that! (It's a 30 day skin rejuvenation program with enough product for about another 30 days of follow-up maintenance.)

The CELL-abration Kit includes four active products that, while each is a viable treatment on its own, interact with each other when used as a kit to produce really amazing results.

FORMULA I (ADVANCED EXFOLIANT) 15% ALPHA-HYDROXY ACIDS with two special conditioners. This is the primary product in the kit. It is one of the strongest Skin Anti-Aging Formulas available anywhere without a prescription. It brings old, flat cells back to life. The conditioners balance the mixture of lactic, citric, tartaric, malic and glycolic acids, which make up a full 15% of this wonderful exfoliant. Improves elasticity. Softens and evens out splotchiness. Helps remove lines and wrinkles. Available alone: R285.00 excludes R45 postage

FORMULA ll (EPIDERMAL REPAIR) NIGHT THERAPY. Treats, feeds and moisturizes the skin after using Formula I. The balance of these rich oils, nutrients and moisturizers helps soften, smooth and repair the skin while you sleep, helping to prevent new lines and wrinkles. Available alone: R218.00 excluding insurance and postage.

FORMULA III (AGE-LESS SERUM) RICH ESSENTIAL OILS. Formed from pure, rich essential oils extracted in minute amounts from aromatic plants and herbs. Each oil has its own therapeutic role, feeding, nourishing, protecting and treating newly surfaced cells. Available alone: R230.00 excluding insurance and postage

FORMULA IV (REVITALIZER SCRUB) HONEY and MILK with ALMOND MEAL. Speeds up the dissolution of the bond, or glue, that keeps dead cells from leaving the skin's surface. This application allows FORMULA I to work at its best. But its ingredients also help treat, feed and condition the skin. Available alone: R213.00 excluding insurance and postage.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hair Tips for healthy, stronger and more beautiful hair

Ok... so you now know the importance of treating your hair follicles to ensure that your hair grows out healthy and strong and shiny from the root. SEE OUR ARTICLE ON THIS.

But.. what about the hair that you have to walk around with and face people daily? Working with so many South Africans, I have come to know that many, many use things like vaseline, sunlight soap and the like on their hair.  Now.....  vaseline will probably make your hair lie flat and give it a vaseline wetlook shine but what good does it do for the hair or even for the skin for that matter. The fact is that vaseline is not a "moisturizer," but rather a "barrier" which means that having no moisturizing properties of its own, it reinforces and seals the moisture into skin provided by other sources. For instance, if after applying water to your skin, you coat it with a layer of vaseline, you will have in essense sealed in some of the moisture from the water, into your skin, along with whatever was already lying on your skin like oil, sweat, etc.

Another fact is, vaseline is excellent when strong absorption is needed for topical aids, medicines, creams and so on, as it helps provide a more concentrated delivery to the point needing attention. People have slathered some on after applying other treatments first to ensure absorption. The down side and actual danger of doing this is that as a barrier applied to the skin, vaseline does not allow the natural and normal release of toxins, in various forms, from the skin. Ever been around someone who had eaten too much garlic or drank alcohol and you were able to smell it through their skin?

Another fact is that the human skin is our largest organ and it "breathes," taking in both the good and the bad. When vaseline is applied, it smothers the skin and hair strands. Imagine wrapping your head and face in cellophane and trying to breathe, it would be pretty hard, if not impossible.

Take this new information that you have jusst learned and now apply it to what you know about your scalp. As a part of your skin, your scalp sweats, itches, and may be oily or dry. The bottom line is: your scalp does what it is supposed to do and does the best job it can alone to encourage a healthy environment for the growth of your hair. But what happens when something gets in the way to discourage growth by offsetting its ideal balance of moisture and favorable conditions? When vaseline is involved, things can get complicated and extremely messy, literally.

Then... lets take a look at sunlight soap.  Check the ingredients.  Sunlight soap can be and is very often used to wash POTS and PANS... Washing your hair with this soap will be a definite way to ensure that your hair weakens and breaks off.  Yet... many many South Africans are using it and then they cannot seem to understand why their hair is breaking and in bad condition.  Pulling your hair back into a tight ponytail to make it look pretty, off your face and sleaker... This puts so much strain on the hair follicles, especially around the face area, that the hair strands snap and break. Braiding is another culprit.  Some braiders braid so tightly that they damage the follicles and if done constantly, this will cause the hair follicle to eventually die. 

We understand that many South Africans do not have the money to purchase expensive shampoos, conditioners and masques so our advice for the majority of South Africans would be the following....

Use a mild inexpensive shampoo specially formulated for HAIR.  You can purchase a matching conditioner that does not cost an arm and a leg.  If you cannot afford a masque, perhaps smother your hair with conditioner, place a shower cap or plastic bag over the hair and chill in the sun with a book for awhile.  Leave on for as long as you possibly can and then rinse.  Try not to use hairdryers and tongs too much.  If you need to tame the hair a little, rather let your hair dry naturally and then place rollers in.  If you have to use a dryer, try not to use every single day.  If your hair is fuzzy and out of control, use a tiny bit of the conditioner, rubbed between hands and gently apply to the areas that are wild and woolly. 

And then... once again.... always remember, nothing that you put ONTO your hair will ever ever make up for treating and feeding your hair from the inside out, right at the source where most problems start, which is the root.  

The Hair Beauty Team