Tuesday, August 28, 2012

There are many different beliefs about how good or bad Hormone Replacement Therapy is for your body! With no ax to grind, here is what you need to know to make a decision for your own body.

In 2002, a major five-year study on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was abruptly halted by federal researchers because they said they detected an increased risk of health problems. Alarming stories about this appeared in all the news media.
At the time, I stated my belief that this was another case of reporting dangers disproportionate to reality. While I did not condone prescription hormone replacement therapy, and still do not, unless under the direction and care of a physician well versed in the subject, one who cares and “keeps up,” I believe the combination in proper doses and forms of estrogen and progesterone, which I had been taking for 15 years, now 22 years, as prescribed and controlled by my gynecologist, has been a tremendous help for me in many ways.
At my last physical exam my bone density was described as that of a woman in her twenties, and, as you can tell from my photos, there’s no sign of osteoporosis. I truly believe the hormone therapy I’ve been on, along with the proper diet, with supplements, and exercise is the reason for my agile bones and body

As it turned out, the study in 2002 that resulted in reports of dangers from HRT was limited to older women who were well past their menopausal years.  Two years later, a review of other studies of younger women, prior to the age of 60, found a survival advantage for those who begin HRT before turning 60.  Those studies revealed that HRT actually reduced the risk of dying from any cause by 39% compared with women who did not take HRT at all. Now, isn’t that something!  Most of those studies were conducted between 1990 and 2002.  Where were these reports in 2002, when the controversy was raging?

The risks vs. benefits of treating younger women (younger than 60) with hormone replacement, nevertheless, remained controversial.  However, that news gave me the fuel to reiterate what I said two years prior.  I urged anyone having any menopausal or pre-menopausal problems to discuss the possibility of HRT with a competent doctor, one who understands the studies and who is not prone to simply dismiss the therapy. Some doctors dismiss it because they don’t know enough about the subject and don’t want to bother with it…want to play it safe (for themselves) but it may not be the best answer for you.

Then, in 2006, findings published in the Journal of Women’s Health showed that women who began Hormone Replacement Therapy soon after entering menopause had a 30% lower risk for heart disease than women who did not use hormones. Contrary to that earlier research linking estrogen treatment to increased cardiovascular risks, this analysis of the data indicated HRT may indeed offer heart-protective benefits, depending on a woman’s age and how long since she entered menopause. Publication of this research was swiftly followed by a fresh analysis of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) data that first raised concerns about HRT in 2002.  This updated analysis, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, suggested that health concerns about menopause hormones may have been overstated. Even the Women’s Health Initiative for menopausal women then advised women to consult their doctor about HRT.

In August 2008, one of the world's longest and largest trials of hormone replacement therapy has found that post-menopausal women on HRT gain significant improvements in quality of life. The results of the latest study by the WISDOM research team (Women's International Study of long Duration Oestrogen after Menopause) are published on the British Medical Journal website www.bmj.com.

The study involved 2130 post-menopausal women in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, and assessed the impact of combined estrogen and progesterone hormone therapy on the women's quality of life. "Our results show that hot flushes, night sweats, sleeplessness and joint pains were less common in women on HRT in this age group. Sexuality was also improved," says Professor Alastair MacLennan, leader of the Australian arm of WISDOM and head of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at the University of Adelaide, Australia. "Overall, quality of life measures improved. Even when women did not have hot flashes and were well past menopause, there was a small but measurable improvement in quality of life and a noted improvement in sleep, sexuality and joint pains. HRT users also had more breast tenderness and discharge compared to those on a placebo," he says. "If a woman feels that HRT is needed for quality of life, then doctors can find the safest regimen for her. She can try going off HRT every 4-5 years, and can then make an informed choice about whether she takes and continues HRT."

Despite studies such as this, Hormone Replacement Therapy remains controversial.  A study in New York in December 2008 indicated a possible link between HRT and Breast Cancer in some women.
So, with my own experience over 22 years and considering all the studies over the last eighteen years, I continue to urge women of pre-menopausal, menopausal and post-menopausal age to consult a competent doctor who is well versed in the potential benefits and pitfalls of estrogen and progesterone therapy who would be capable of determining candidacy for Hormone Replacement Therapy and prescribe and monitor an individual program, as my great doctor has done and is doing for me.

Monday, August 27, 2012

40 year progression of YOUTHFUL aging

40 year progression to YOUTHFUL aging!!!

As you can see in the photographs, YOUTHFUL aging is most certainly POSSIBLE.  Oleda turned 78 on the 12 August 2012 and the products have helped her to age YOUTHFULLY.  The secret lies in treating the body both on the inside AND the outside. A MUST for all woman who wish to remain youthful all their lives.  Combining newest medical discoveries with her own ideas and practising a healthy lifestyle to stay energetic throughout, has lead to what you see today.  At the age of 78 (she turned 78 on 13th August 2012), she is the perfect, living example that it truly works.  We will slowly cover all the secrets, all the knowledge and routines that have made this possible for Oleda to look the way she does at age 78.  Follow us to be first in line for specials that are run from time to time and if you have ANY questions at all, please share them with us.  We WILL help you in answering promptly and giving you the best advice possible.  From hair falling out or breaking off, to losing weight, to keeping old age wrinkles away WITHOUT having a facelift, to advice on products , mental attitude, hormone requirements and so much more. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Stop Aging Your Face and Making it Look Older. There are 5 things you are probably doing to your face every day that age it...I'll bet you don't realize what they are...and… you can actually stop doing them right away, today!

Did you know that we are very often responsible for putting age lines in our face ourselves, as well as causing facial muscles to become prematurely limp? Lines and weak muscles start minutely...and can be encouraged or discouraged by our habits.
Certain habits can be responsible for premature aging of the face and weak muscle tone. These actions are easily stopped once we become aware of them. They are generally unconscious habits developed over the years.
In order to alter these reflexes, all it takes is a conscious effort for a few days, then new, more positive habits take over and become automatic! The best way to check these things out is to ask a good friend or family member to keep an eye on you to see if you are unconsciously doing any of the following:
Nervous Facial Habits
FROWNING: We all have to work on this one. Frowning too frequently can turn into a permanent frown without our realizing it. Do you frown when you read? Do you need new glasses? This is one you really need to ask a friend to watch for you.
RUBBING EYES: Yes, we all rub our eyes. But if you are rubbing often and too hard (not good), see your doctor to test for allergies. They may tell you eye drops will help sooth the eyes. Hard, continued rubbing of your eyes can break down the tissue of the eyelids leading to prematurely loose skin.
MOUTH: Turning the corners of your mouth down while thinking or reading and also puckering your lips (as when smoking) will eventually make premature lines permanent.
Daily repetition of lip puckering and mouth curling can ultimately cause this area to look old before your time.
No Sunglasses
Wearing good sunglasses is a must. The Sun causes us to squint. Chronic squinting, for any reason, creates and deepens lines around our eyes. In time, they will become a permanent part of the face. Ophthalmologists suggest, for better long term care, wear sunglasses of natural tone colors - brown or gray. They also say that wearing good sunglasses can help prevent the development of cataracts. I believe it.

Leaning Face In Hands
It almost sounds silly, but many of us rest our jaw or face in our hands while reading, or watching TV. If this is a regular, daily habit for several hours, it can even affect the teeth and jaw line...actually "move them." This is especially true for children...keep an eye on their habits and tell them why it's not a good idea to do this all the time.

Blowing Nose Too Hard
This is difficult to avoid sometimes. If you have a cold, sinus or hay fever don't rub hard, or twist the skin around the nose and mouth area. Excessive stretching of the skin can loosen the delicate fibers of the epidermis and cause premature wrinkles. Just as important, the skin around the nose is easily irritated. The pressure, twisting and rubbing can cause tiny blood vessels to rupture, resulting in a permanent, tiny red line around the base of your nose.
A Baby Pillow? What Can IT Do?
Plenty! I have slept on a baby pillow (the size of an airline pillow) for over 30 years. While you're sleeping, your face sinks down deep into a large pillow, causing, as you grow older, early morning lines in your face that take longer and longer to "thaw out!" As the years pass, those morning lines become permanent.
My baby pillow seems to correct this, since most of the time I do not awaken in the morning with those awful lines in my face. Try it. I also believe the small pillow helps prevent a double chin by keeping the head flatter, in line with the spine, allowing the neck and chin to stretch.

Wishing you a youthful face all your life...no matter your age!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Stay YOUNGER for so much LONGER


Do it the right way and you will improve as well as speed up your anti-aging process.  The treatments will penetrate deeper, work better and faster.
VERY important for long range youthful-looking skin.

When you awake in the morning, skin treatment products you used the night before are still on the surface of your skin and in your pores. They should be completely removed before applying anything else to the skin.

With a thin wash cloth (for texture), use a Toner-Astringent to remove all traces of everything left on the skin, which would include your night treatment film! Doing this will also clean out and purify your pores, preparing them for the ingredients of a rich day cream to be applied next. Cleansed properly, your skin will allow nutrients to be more deeply absorbed undiluted by any residual product or bacteria.
The texture of the thin wash cloth also stimulates the skin's surface, as well as the cells under the surface, which is excellent for the long term treatment for youthful skin. You can buy a bag of thin white washcloths at a discount store...best thing is you can throw them in a washing machine, and reuse.
Only after this cleansing process is thoroughly completed will you be ready to apply your cream for the day and then of course.... your make up!

Cleansing at the end of the day, in preparation for a good night's sleep, is a little different because you must first remove all traces of makeup. I use my easy-to-use Liquefying Makeup Remover with as many tissues as I need. When I see that the makeup is removed, I get out my trusted thin, white washcloth and toner-astringent, and go for it using the same routine as in the morning. When I see that the washcloth is clean -- only then do I know for sure that I have removed all traces of makeup, oils and bacteria -- then I apply my night anti-aging treatment. (I use Formula 1 and Formula 11). If I leave any residue on my skin, this treatment would not penetrate as deeply or work as well. If I'm NOT using Formula I or Formula ll, I apply Wrinkle-Smooth Night Cream before climbing into bed.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Why Our Bodies MUST Have Sixty-four Ounces of Water A Day In Order To Be Our Healthiest and Most Beautiful Now, AND…. All through Our Later Years Too. HINT: Our Bodies are 67% Water!

Water is beneficial for so very many things, yet is so under used by so many people. Too often water is replaced by other beverages – many laden with sugars, calories and of little or no value nutritionally. This is becoming especially true with today’s young people. The generations that grew up with soda pop have turned to caffeine laden drinks such as designer coffees and teas, sport and energy drinks—everything except plain water—whenever they have a thirst. These diuretic drinks actually drain the body of fluids creating a loss rather than a gain in body water content. Prove this to yourself; ask a child or teenager if they would like a glass of water. Chances are you will get a negative response, but, if you offer them a soda, they will not refuse.
Our bodies are completely dependant on water; ALL functions of the body require water. Keeping your body hydrated enables timely and efficient functioning to occur. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of fatigue. Even mild dehydration can cause fatigue.
Our metabolism is a chemical process involving energy; by drinking more water we can increase, or boost, our metabolic rate. In turn this increase in metabolism will increase calories burned reflected in weight lost. Often thirst is confused by hunger. You may feel cravings and think food when your body actually is requiring water. The next time you have a craving try a glass of water; wait a few minutes and you may notice the craving has gone. You provided the water your body needed and avoided the calories that a snack would have added.
Many of the foods eaten today are high in fats, sugars and calories in the form of processed and/or fast foods with very little water. A diet consisting of these types of foods requires even more water consumption to make up for the lack of fluids in the foods eaten.
Most people require 64 ounces of water daily. Those exercising, doing strenuous work, outdoor work, and living in areas with high normal temperatures, and during the summer months should consider even more than the average 64 ounces daily to compensate for their added needs. If you are dieting it is important to drink more water throughout the day. When exercising drinking additional water will help keep your energy levels up.
If drinking water is unappealing to you, try adding some flavor enhancer – a squeeze of lemon, a few drops of orange extract, or any number of flavor extracts available. Eating fruits and vegetables high in water content will also provide much needed fluids to your body. Fruits and vegetables will also help fill your stomach without overloading on unwanted calories while providing additional vitamins, minerals, and photonutrients. A healthy diet will always include foods high in water content.
Water also helps the body to rid itself of toxins and keep the kidneys flushed, which will also reduce sodium levels. Water absorption by our bodies is based on how we drink it – gulp it down and it is excreted much faster than if sipped slowly. Small amounts sipped slowly throughout the day provide better body retention and healthier hydration.
Some of the many benefits of good water intake include improved skin tone, appetite regulation and increased metabolism, boosting energy levels. Water helps in reducing cholesterol; it helps regulate blood pressure, and may reduce the occurrence of headaches, decrease joint pain, and decrease the risk of developing kidney stones while helping to rid toxic wastes from the body. And surprisingly, the more you drink the less water weight retention occurs. All these benefits plus improving your skin too!
A word of caution: Don’t drink too much water! Electrolyte balances can be reduced by over consumption of water. Low levels of potassium, magnesium and sodium can be harmful. Adding a vitamin/mineral supplement to your diet will counteract this. People with kidney problems or stones, or other conditions requiring the limiting of fluid intake should consult with their doctor for advice on correct amounts to drink.
Water is a natural healer for the body required to regenerate bones, needed for healthy hair, skin and nails, regeneration of organ and nerve damage, and required for normal body functioning. Water is readily available, free of calories and a natural way to help maintain health and well being.

The BEST treatment for wrinkles

CELL-abration Formula I

OLEDA 15% ALPHA HYDROXY ACID - Serious Treatment for Wrinkles and Lines in the Face and Neck. It Sloughs Off Older Skin, Makes Skin Tighter and Pores Smaller. See a Great Difference in 6 Days.

An Anti Aging Specialist on the Oprah Winfrey Show said that Alpha-Hydroxy Acid is the only cream that works to treat wrinkles and lines on the face. OLEDA 15% AHA Formula I is the best AHA treatment for wrinkles and lines on the face and neck that you can buy because it has a mix of 5 different acids. FORMULA I rejuvenates the surface of the skin and, at the same time, causes old, flat cells (from aging) under the skin to regenerate. It helps tighten pores and diminish lines and wrinkles, thus rebuilding structural support causing the skin to appear more youthful. It helps to fade splotches and presents a more even tone both in texture and color. FORMULA I restores balance to all types of skin, whether dry or oily, repairs damage from the sun, improves elasticity and helps get rid of that dull, flat look. You'll love the results you'll get with this product.


FA-5 FRUIT ACIDS (Glycolic, Lactic, Citric, Tartaric, Malic), 

What You Do To Protect Your Skin and Health From The Sun This Summer (and any other summer) This May Decide Your Fate With Skin Cancer Health and More!

Here are the Summer Safety Rules.  During the hot summer days there are some important things to remember in order to stay safe while enjoying the season:

* Hydration is very important during these hot temperatures, even if you are only outside for short periods of time.  You should maintain good hydration by drinking plenty of water – not just liquids, but WATER.
* Remember when consuming alcohol, that additional water will be needed to compensate for the de-hydration effects of the alcohol in order to stay properly hydrated.
* Keep the hot sun off your head with a wide brimmed hat to avoid sun damage to your hair and overheating or even sun stroke.

* Always use sunblock when outdoors - no exceptions.
* Protect your skin from sun damage that is linked to other serious conditions such as sun poisoning, sunburn, and even skin cancers.  Please read about OLEDA Natural Mineral Sunscreen which is a 100% block and comes in 3 colors below. Really is the best block ever!
* Keep your skin moisturized to avoid dryness which leads to premature wrinkling and aging.
* Follow boat safety carefully, life jackets and supervision for all children.  Water is a natural draw to children, make sure they are well monitored whenever near a pool, lake or river and protect their delicate skin with plenty of sunblock.
* Watch to make sure the children are not in the hot sun too long as they will stay out playing without thought to getting overheated.  Have them alternate games and activities between inside or shaded areas and outside.
* Planning a picnic or cookout?  Try healthy alternatives to the standard high fat/high cholesterol burgers and dogs.  Grilled chicken, smoked turkey, and lean pork are all great when cooked outdoors.  Remember to keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot – don’t risk food poisoning from foods left sitting at improper temperatures.  Serve plenty of fruits and the standard watermelon – kids love them and they are far healthier than chips and most other snack foods.  Opt for shaved ices rather than high fat/high sugar ice cream.  This is the season to get the best fresh vegetables and fruits available – take advantage of that and serve healthy grilled veggies as sides and fresh sliced fruits for dessert.
* Don’t forget your pets during this hot weather.  The heat can be very harmful to our companion animals that all walk around in fur coats regardless of the temperature.  Make sure they have shade if outside and ALWAYS have fresh water to cool down with.

* Having fun and enjoying the season can be even better when done safely.

It's also true that as we get older it seems we can't get enough vegetables and fruits to maintain our  good health. Good eating habits help compensate for the body's decline from aging faster than we should. Good eating habits also help it build the immune system, provide fantastic energy and help you keep the weight off. "Our cells are the only building blocks of the only body we'll ever have. We must treat our cells right!" That's what VEGGIES & FRUIT Concentrate is all about. A LEVEL teaspoon of powder (don't overdo it) or two capsules, once or twice a day, has the vegetable and fruit concentrates that you need for the day.
There are 12: Broccoli, Spinach, Asparagus, Celery, Pea, Carrot, Pumpkin, Tomato, Beet, Sweet Potato, Orange Peel, and Lemon Peel. 100% pure organically grown. No added sugar, salt, yeast, starch, milk, preservatives, artificial flavors or colors…and no herbs in this formula. Supports weight loss. Mix in juice or sprinkle on food. I use the powder in orange juice through a straw. Here's the VEGGIES & FRUIT Concentrate story.
VEGGIES & FRUIT Concentrate Powder has only pure Vegetables and Fruit Powders, the alkalizing formula supports the concentrated vegetables and fruits to help rid your body of harmful acids which in turn enhances energy and weight loss, helps support a healthy immune system, maintain a healthier colon, and maintain better oxygenation of cells and ehnances emulsifying fat.
Rich in Growth Factor Proteins: Product has a natural source of Growth Factor Protein - 14.9 gm per serving that can help your body maintain healthy alkaline levels which can help cellular growth, repair and regeneration of healthier cells. What else does VEGGIES & FRUIT Concentrate do? When we eat processed foods or junk food, it causes a high acid condition in the body. Then the body tries to dispose of the excess acid wastes through the intestines, lungs and kidneys. If the high acid condition in the body cannot be properly eliminated, the acids will take their toll on the body.I take a teaspoon of VEGGIES & FRUIT Concentrate powder in orange juice - let it soak a couple of minutes - stir and drink it with a straw! It even tastes good. If you prefer the capsules, two of them are the equivalent of one teaspoon of powder. What a great way to get the vegetables and fruits that we never seem to get enough of in our diet. I love it! And you will love the way it makes you feel in just a few days.
This is a much needed formula for anyone who does not eat properly. What more could you want!….You might like to know that each serving of the VEGGIES & FRUIT Concentrate Powder has the value of: 3 stalks of Broccoli * 1/2 cup of Spinach * 4 pieces of Asparagus * 2 pieces of Celery * 2 Carrots * 1 cup of Peas * 1/2 cup of Pumpkinseeds * 2 Tomatoes * 2 Beets * 1/2 cup Sweet Potato * 1 Lemon * 1 Orange. (A serving size, as on label, equals 2 measured level teaspoons.)
LIST OF INGREDIENTS AGAIN: Broccoli, Spinach, Asparagus, Celery, Carrot, Pea, Pumpkin, Tomato, Beet, Sweet Potato, Lemon Peel, Orange Peel in a concentrated form. Other Ingredients: Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

There are not many who like to excercise but if you want to stay looking and feeling young for as long as possible, you cannot give up your flexibility.

Some people force themselves to exercise in order to lose weight, but that won't keep you motivated in the long run, and it is only half the battle.  Remember that you also must eat less and consume the proper foods in order to lose the weight.

If you are into tennis, swimming, biking or any other aerobic sport, that certainly counts.  You do not have to be at a gym every day SWEATING IT OUT to have a healthy body, but, if you like it, so much the better.  In general, almost any exercise that you stick with , will be beneficial.

Living without some form of exercise will lead to poor health, and probably sooner than you think.  A physical breakdown may be repaired by a doctor, perhaps through the use of medications (perhaps with side effects) but thats not the answer.  If you want to be preventative, exercise regularly and watch your diet.

Exercising is one of the best anti-aging pastimes you can engage in.


Walk fast, even very fast, outdoors or on a treadmill.. Walking is a workout with no disadvantages.  Almost anyone can do it, with little chance of injury.  You can walk practically anywhere, either alone or with a friend of family member, and it requires no special equipment unless you prefer a treadmill.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Your blood stream carries nutrients (food and oxygen) to each one of your hair follicles.  A hair follicle is a single depression in your scalp that houses one hair.  When this one little hair falls out, there is already a new hair shaft ready to appear at the opening of the follicle in a healthy scalp.

TIP to having glamorous hair

To have your MOST glamorous, strongest, healthiest, shiniest hair ever, you MUST feed the hair from the INSIDE and TREAT the hair from the OUTSIDE at the VERY SAME TIME.  You will quickly see how affective this is and it TRULY works.

About US

The company OLEDA was founded 37 years ago. To date their goals have never changed: The highest standards are followed! The product you receive has been formulated and tested to ensure maximum quality and benefits. If the Oleda Hair Helpers is on the label, you are sure of getting the highest quality available. We have shopped for the best prices for the highest quality in buying “right” such as printing, labeling, containers and, in turn, pass the savings to the users. The product “does what they say it will do”. The product is the result of years of experience, testing and study, and is personally guaranteed by Oleda.

We now have the Oleda hair and Beauty range in South Africa by Judith who is the sole distributor in SA for Oleda.


Hair Helpers are specifically formulated to feed your hair the nutrition it needs through the bloodstream in order to achieve the best thickness, shine and strength you want ...... no fuss, just ONE HAIR HELPER TABLET a day! The best way to feed your hair and scalp – is through your mouth, with the help of our special HAIR HELPERS.

"Beautiful, healthy, strong, dazzling hair has nothing to do with age! I promise you that I'm not going to have dull, lifeless, thin hair just because I've had another birthday… and neither should you!"